Sunday 16 December 2012


I love going to Aldi. There are the regular grocery items there and then there are the cool items there like lawn mowers, BBQs, pizza stones, 4wd winches (yes, I know, why?) and a heap more. I have been shopping at Aldi for bits and pieces over the last few years. I am still a Woolworths shopper through and through, don't get me wrong. 

Shopping at Aldi is a great way for me to save money on the things I buy so much of. However, there are a few things that still annoy me:
1) How the check out operator doesn't start serving the next customer in line until the previous customer is packed up and on their way. Well... unfortunately for me I have the 'it's-too-late-for-me-to-pick-up-a-basket-now-I-am-half-way-through' kind of attitude. So I load up and load up on bargain goodies and dump everything on the check out conveyer belt (far from elegantly). Then I have to fondle around finding my wallet and stacking my purchases at the same time. Then I get flustered. And then I get shocked that they charge for a credit purchase rather than savings or cheque purchase. 
2) Then the check out operator puts the receipt on top of all of my stacked goodies that I plan to carry through the shopping centre with my arms locked out like a zombie. Well that receipt is surely not going to stay there is it?!? So I unlock my zombie arms, plomp my stack of goodies down on the bench, put the receipt in my diary and walk away with a slightly elevated heart rate and a face tinged pink.

However, all is not lost with shopping at Aldi. With my recent eating habits, I have stumbled across some scoop purchases which I will definitely keep going back for.

Free Range Eggs - $3.69
Lite Cottage Cheese - $2.something
Rice Cakes - $1.something
Rye Sourdough - $2.79
Blueberries - $1.49 (!!!)

Moral of the story, you wonder? 'Things' (for lack of a better word) don't change. People don't change. You (well, me in this case) have to change. Perhaps I could buy an Aldi trolley token and keep it on my key ring. Hell no. Or I could hunt down an empty box on my way through so I could just stack my goodies in there and be on my way. Perhaps not. Or I could find those canvas/hessian/burlap grocery bags I loved but now can't remember where I saw them because I never wrote it down or impulsively bought them at the time. Yes. Problem solved. Now to find them.

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