Saturday, 26 January 2013

Bonds Wideband Bra Tanks.

My Mum gave me one of these Bonds Wideband Bra Tanks when she visited in December. I hadn't tried it on until today - I was looking for something light and comfy to wear in this torrential Brisbane weather going on at the moment. Fell in love immediately. Soooo good!

Jumped on google straight away to see what they retail for. There is an offer through the Bonds website at the moment: 2 for $40. I remember seeing them at Trade Secret a few months ago, picking them up, 'uhhhhming and ahhhing' and putting them back on the rack. Kicking myself now.


DIY Cleaning Products.

For Drains
There was a slight smell to the drains in my bathroom floor. To be perfectly frank, I have never thought to clean the drains before so I took the opportunity to do all of them. To start, I poured boiling water down each drain. Then, I sprinkled a few spoonfuls of Baking Soda (Bi-Carb Soda), followed by about 1 cup of white vinegar. The mixture bubbled up over the drain cover and I left it to sit for 5-10 minutes. Following that, I poured some more boiling water down the drain to make sure everything washed away. And what do you know... no smell!

With this success, I phoned J and told him of the news. He then proclaimed it was because of my hair and shampoo... 

For Underarm Stains
Recently I have been using Garnier Mineral Anti-Perspirant 'InvisiMax'. Designed for heat, sport and stress - I guess that's me during a "good week", haha! I think it is really great toiletry companies have developed these 'anti-white marks' sprays. Fantastic, in fact. What is not so fantastic, is that my white/light coloured shirts now have grey-ish and brown marks on them in the pits. I've done some research and it seems that aluminium is the culprit, so I am going to switch back to my Rexona Clinical Protection stick and see how I go.

To try and fix the problem, I made a paste using Baking Soda and water. Applied it to the shirts using a toothbrush for about 20 minutes, rinsed in cold water and then put through the washing using a Napi-san like product. Of course I added an extra rinse to the cycle because of my stupid sensitive skin. Unfortunately, there was no such success this time around. All of my shirts still have the same marks on them.

I guess in the mean time the next logical step is to keep my underarms shaved and search for another solution.


Friday, 18 January 2013

Time For Tea.

I have spent the last three days at my family home in Darwin. There was an immediate cessation of employment - I left my job of two (and a bit) years to take 2 weeks off before I start my new (real) career as an accountant. Since arriving in Darwin, I have done nothing. Bad tense? Either way, I haven't been up to much. Fortunately the weather has been quite pleasant, although today I had to have a midday shower as I was too sticky and had too many fly-aways and thought it was the only logical step for me to take. 

What is the point of this post? I am not exactly sure to be honest. I felt like I was about to 'give birth' to a giant bubble of excitement/anxiety/joy and I didn't know what to do. I will try to explore what is buzzing inside me.

  • I have stumbled across some lovely blogs, one being In Spaces Between - go and visit - you won't regret it. I think this discovery triggered the bubble. 
  • I have been reconsidering my "physical state" and how I have been enjoying life over the past month rather than planning my dietary habits and working out till I have to flop myself down onto the toilet. Don't get me wrong, I will revert to this come Friday 25th Jan. 
  • I have thought about what makes me happy at the moment and what I hope to experience throughout 2013. 
  • Despite waves of excitement surging above pangs of brute fear, I figure sitting in a car for 5 days travelling back to Brisbane with one of my best friends will be good for me.
  • Learning to deal with a great deal of uncertainty which is now imminent, has become paramount for me: I will start a new job, in the city and will travel via train. I will finally decide whether a small/medium SUV (in black of course) or a motorbike will better suit my travel needs. I will come to a conclusion about how to tackle health and fitness alongside my new job. It is ok that I am not sure what I will do at this very moment. Also, it is fine that I've gone off eggs in the morning and quiche at morning tea. After all, I know I get bored easily. 
  • In order of priority/induced level of comfort, I want to spend time working on our home at House on a Hill and explore things like stainless steel ceiling fans, white walls, chalkboard paint, silver baroque frames and maybe even a split system AC in the lounge/dining/shed area, amongst many other things (please don't be reading this J... bye bye "man chi"). 
  • Finally, it is ok that I have a few lumps and bumps on my skin at the moment. I will see a dermal therapist to sort it out.

Now that I feel like I have given birth to said bubble, it is time for Tea. Green tea with lemon, in fact. Before I nip off, here are some snippits of the last few days.

Skinny Cap at Java Spice Cafe in Darwin. If you get the chance, visit! It really is beautiful.

Gave Almond Meal pancakes a go this morning. They are low carb/high protein/wheat free so they are a good breakfast option for me. I will admit I do need to tweak the recipe a little! 

On my first night in Darwin, I made an Indian mince curry (from scratch) for my family. And yes I did eat white rice AND pappadums!

Note: I am yet to work out how to rotate the photos (shame on me).

Friday, 4 January 2013

Friday Flowers 4/1/13.

Found this bunch of bad boys at my local IGA this afternoon on my way home from work ... for the grand price of $2.00. I couldn't care if they died tomorrow - I'd still be happy. I love flowers and I am more than happy to buy them for myself. The ol' flower cliche can 'go jump' as far as I am concerned! 

Happy Friday to you all and thank you for following me. X


I think I have the most common size feet in the whole world. For years I have found it REALLY difficult to buy plain black Havaianas in the European size 43/44 or Brazilian size 41/42 or US size 9. I would say this is the case because I share this size with a great deal of the male population. 

I stumbled across the City Beach website purely to suss out postage costs because, after shopping around Christmas time, I could not step foot into another Westfield shopping centre if my life depended on it. 

I did consider getting the silver logo pair but I could not justify the extra $20.00. And then I considered a print. First of all, the print might clash with something I wear. Second of all, in either situation, people's attention may be attracted towards the nether region around my feet. Uh uh. 
So of course, I stuck to my 10 year usual, plain black. And hurrah! Postage is free, and express (we will see...), for any purchase over $10.00. PayPal, ahoy.